Where and when:
30 October- 3 November 2017. Amsterdam (NL)

presenting BRIGAID and engaging with relevant actors

Who attended the event and why:
Bas Jonkman (DUT); Marco Hartman, Teun Terpstra (HKV) and Dan Constantin (NAAR)

BRIGAID was present at the Amsterdam International Water Week (AIWW).

The AIWW is one of the most diverse and innovative water events in Europe. It focuses on connecting solutions and business connect with policy and science to discuss a broad range of subjects. The AIWW showcases the latest solutions and innovations, bringing together leaders and experts, introducing new platforms, tackling real life cases submitted by cities, utilities and industries.

On October the 31 st , Bas Jonkman gave a presentation of BRIGAID, as project Scientific Coordinator. This presentation included an overview of BRIGAID activities and introduced activities of BRIGAID with end-users, e.g. living labs. The presentation had an estimated audience of 100 people, consisting of policy makers, innovators, consultants, end-users and international NGO’s. Additionally, Mr. Marco Hartman, as Business manager for BRIGAID presented the project in a session called “New Tech ventures and Upscaling” with a broad representation from innovators and start ups. Other BRIGAID partners, i.e. HKV and NAAR also attended this conference and contributed to the project dissemination and engagement with innovators and other end-users.