Involvement of end-users Community of Innovation in Romania

The initial activity of this CoI shall pivot around the possibilities offered by Flood Proof Romania. This new testing facility is being constructed by our partner NAAR in Romania, in the locality of Facau. Flood Proof Romania aims to suppot an innovation hub around floods protection.

The facility offers a unique opportunity to develop, test and demonstrate innovations that aim to reduce impact from floods.

It is especially suited to test and monitor innovations under high speed water flows as they appear during flash floods and landslides, and under extreme cold and hot land climate conditions. Moreover, the facility remedies the urgent demand for test facilities that are needed to structurally develop, test and demonstrate innovations in the Eastern European region.

Flood Proof Romania is a downstream of 13 m high dam; equipped for testing of high structures (over 3 meters high dikes). Water flowing at high speeds as this appears in mountainous areas. Due to land climate exposure (cold winter and dry hot summers) also drought and heat related solutions can be tested.


NAAR is a BRIGAID partner and will support this CoI

NAAR represents the Romanian National Authority, which is aimed at applying the national strategy in the field of water management and turning to good account, as well as management of the national network of hydrological, hydrogeological and quality of the water resources belonging to the public domain. Therefore, NAAR has an outstanding position for the organisation of test events involving the main actors to be represented in the CoI.

Additionally, NAAR aims to organize presentation (show case) and demonstrating of innovations events for innovations mitigating floods, droughts and extreme weather. NAAR will have an important role in results dissemination process and implementation of general project results in local government.

The activities of the Romanian CoI will be better defined once the Flood Proof Romania facility will be ready to function.

As future steps NAAR with the partners from Romania will be organising a meeting in June 2019 for the official opening of Flood Proof Romania.


For more info you can contact

Adrian Potirniche
National Administration Apele Romane