For BRIGAID, the support to innovators is conceived as an integral process.
Understanding, preparing and organising a pitch session for each innovation’s prospective clients is an essential part of the process of bridging the market access gap that BRIGAID promotes.
As a specific product for innovators, BRIGAID has created an online pitch deck creation support programme for innovations participating in the testing phase of the three innovation cycles. This online programme is called Pitch Deck Master and will also be partly showcased in the Climate Innovation Window (CIW) platform.
BRIGAID provides specific support to innovators as they go through the guided programme to create personalised pitch decks of their innovation and above all to learn how to get into the right mindset to pitch and how to adapt each pitch for specific types of audiences and specific timeframes of their innovation.
The information required to create the pitch decks can be partly extracted from the outcomes of the exercises undertaken throughout the BRIGAID’s online market assessment system (MAF+) or directly asked to the innovators through specific exercises.
The programme is divided in 5 units and each unit has several chapters with videos or presentations as well as downloadable exercises when needed. The objective is
to give innovators a solution to have organic pitch decks that can be adapted to each situation and timeframe.
At the same time, we will support innovators during the whole process, they will be attended by email and they will be able to load their pitches on their innovation page of the Climate Innovation Window.
The result is a training programme, that gives each BRIGAID innovator the necessary training to create and pitch a deck.
The program also contains pitching and reading templates with various layouts for each slide, to generate as many pitch decks as may be needed to present the innovation in all situations.
The program includes:
- Training recorded on video, with presentations in PDF and exercises to learn how to create and present pitch decks.
- A private site where innovators can access this information. This site includes a section with the most frequently asked questions answered.
- A contact form to solve queries and doubts. All innovators that have not been selected by BRIGAID can access these materials as well.
- In the case of BRIGAID innovators, they will be supported in the development of corporate guidelines (those that may require it).