Where and when:
Viena, 8-13 April 2018.

Nature Based Solutions for hydrological extremes and water resource management.

Who attended the event and why:
Jantsje van Loon from TUDelft and WUR presented the potential of BRIGAID to promote Nature Based Solutions.

Between the 8th and 13th of April the European Geosciences Union is helding its General Assembly 2018 in Vienna, Austria.

On the 10th of April BRIGAID participated on the session on Nature Based Solutions for hydrological extremes and water resource management, focused on key research and policy questions associated with NBS, such as developing adapted solutions in catchment and urban areas at different scales, providing the evidence base around the concept of Nature Based Solutions for managing hydrological extremes and water resource management and exploring the challenges of implementation.

Jantsje van Loon from TUDelft and WURparticipated in the session presenting on the potential of BRIGAID´s Testing and Implementation Framework (TIF) on the promotion of Nature Based Solutions, and inviting Nature Based Solutions related initiatives to join BRIGAID´s process.