Where and when:
December 17, 19 and 21, 2018 at Tirana, in Albania.

These forums introduced twelve Albanian innovations that have already become part of the Project, and can be considered as solutions or ideas that are sustainable, contemporary and financially affordable. The audience was a mixture of representatives from national authorities, relevant institutions and academic personalities, also all parties that first face the emergencies.

Who attended the event and why
All twelve Albanian innovators that belong to the Project

At the end of year, the BRIGAID Project Unit organized three consecutive forums on 17, 19, and 21 December 2018. Each of them focused on one of the pillars of the Project – Flooding, Drought, and Extreme Weather Conditions respectively.

The participants included all twelve Albanian innovators that belong to the Project, in a face to face discussion with members of public institutions, agencies, and universities. All those involved could provide their comments, remarks or suggestions for improvement.

Nensi Lalaj, BRIGAID’s Manager for our country, explained the progress of the project, its Flooding, Drought, and Extreme Weather Conditions are the main categories of the Project, and the main topics discussed during three interactive sessions on 17, 19, and 21 December 2018. They were dedicated to Albanian innovators and to anyone that was interested in these topics.

Twelve Albanian innovators presented their initiatives, which are now part of the Project. Each of these initiatives offers a solution or idea that is sustainable, modern and financially sound at the same time. They were introduced to representatives of national authorities and institutions, to members of the academic body and universities, and to people that are required to face the emergencies before anyone else.


The innovations were grouped according to the issues they tackled. All participants carefully analysed the pros and cons of each solution, their legal background, and possible support they could gain from those present in the forums.

The forums provided the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences; while acquiring more information about the everyday situation as far as the natural disasters are concerned.

In the coming weeks, a number of meetings, symposiums, and educational sessions are planned to be organized.