The workshop was organized by the National Agency of Research and Innovation in Albania. The workshop titled “Financial Projects, Programs of the European Union and Industrial Property”, took place on 12 October 2017, at the European Information Center, at the Palace of Congresses in Tirana.
The event was attended by about 35 participants consisting of representatives from the National Agency of Research and Innovation, Directorate of Examination at the General Directorate of Industrial Property, the Union of Chambers of Commerce & Industry of Albania, the Directorate of Copyright (subordinate of the Ministry of Culture), representatives of private companies engaged in innovations, as well as representatives of private and public universities.
Mrs. Lalaj presented the BRIGAID project and drew the participant’s attention through the promotional materials made available to them such as leaflets, folders, posters, etc. The BRIGAID Project sounded interesting and attractive to the participants, in terms of a real project being developed under the [HORIZON2020] program. In the course of presentation, Mrs. Lalaj explained the project, its vision, the innovations that are currently being tested and those products and innovations being considered by the project and thereafter supported by the project to reach the market.
The workshop was concluded with the expressed interest and willingness of the private companies and private universities to be a part of the BRIGAID project, as well as with the engagement of the institutions/directorates to support the development of the BRIGAID project in compliance with the Albanian legislation in force.