InfoSequia is a site- and user-tailored Monitoring IT-toolbox for the operational monitoring of drought properties, and the forecasting of drought persistence and potential impacts.

InfoSequia Team. FutureWater

From your point of view, how has BRIGAID contributed to the development of your innovation/company? Which specific support provided by BRIGAID was most useful to you?

I would say the support of Brigaid has been most helpful to us on these three areas:

BRIGAID had a very positive impact on the technological development, and social and market readiness of InfoSequia. This support was provided through the application of an integrated approach which combines a unified testing innovation framework, and a market analysis-business development framework. Among the most key outcomes reached, we highlight:

A very high improvement of the Technological Readiness Level of InfoSequia, increasing from a TRL4 (Alpha version prototype, partially verified in laboratory) to a TRL9 (Service operationally deployed and used by paying customers). This transition was speeded up and achieved by adopting the BRIGAID’s Testing Innovation Framework (TIF), which consisted in the co-design and implementation of a comprehensive testing plan for the assessment of critical failures and the quantification of several Key Performance Indicators at different stages of the development process.

The development of a solid business plan based on the outputs derived from a set of market and financial analyses. All these exercises were strongly guided through the Market Analysis Framework Plus (MAF+) and the support of BRIGAID’s experts who made the process faster, less time-consuming and more efficient.

The operational implementation of InfoSequia in a real case in Colombia, as part of the HERMANA-Water Control Room of the CVC Regional Environmental Agency. Thanks to this success experience, new opportunities for the company are now emerging in this country, but also in other places around the world.

Please let us know about your progress and expectations after receiving support from BRIGAID,

InfoSequia is a modular and customizable toolbox that aims to support the decision making process of local/regional agencies for addressing drought and water scarcity risks. Regarding InfoSequia, FutureWater is focusing on two main tasks:

To strengthen the commercial-exploitation activities, by surveying and detecting needs and niches of improvement, and by reinforcing key partnerships with other companies (e.g. HERMANA consortium) and key stakeholders (Water Management Authorities, Humanitarian-Aid Agencies and NGOs, and Insurance/Re-insurance companies).

Increasing research and development activities with the aim of adding new monitoring and forecasting capabilities, and deployment options. Besides using own research funds, new funding opportunities are being explored (e.g. through EU research and innovation calls).

Your value propositions

Regular and systematic generation of actionable warnings and risk indicators on the severity and extent of drought and water scarcity impacts.

InfoSequia has monitoring and forecasting capabilities to support risk-centered drought management and adaptation strategies.

More info about Infosequia

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