We introduce BRIGAID Connect

A “one-stop-shop” for supporting climate adaptation innovations


BRIGAID is a 4-year project (2016-2020) under EU Horizon2020 aimed to effectively bridge the gap between innovators and end-users in resilience to floods, droughts and extreme weather.

Europe is particularly prone to these natural hazards and evidence is now ever stronger that damages will increase. Evaluations also show a huge potential to reduce these risks through adaptation strategies.

BRIGAID outcomes

See the final public deliverables of the project to find out the outstanding outcomes we’ve achieved.

BRIGAID TOOLS: Practical support for innovators to get from
an idea to a signed deal

BRIGAID supports climate innovations with testing, business development and online visibility through several practical tools:

TIF: Test and Implementation Framework

BRIGAID’s Test and Implementation Framework for climate innovations provides a structured and systematic method for solution developers to move their idea forward in the TRL scale.

The TIF Tool is designed to help innovators identify possible technical, environmental, sectoral and societal concerns that their innovations may raise early on –and iteratively throughout the development of their innovation– so that they may modify their designs to better address their end users’ needs. The TIF Tool should be applied at critical points in the development process at which innovators should pause to identify and address technical, environmental, sectoral and social concerns.

Visit the TIF

MAF+: The Market Analysis Framework

The Market Analysis Framework is an online collaboration system that enables innovators to identify business opportunities, define their market, recognize and evaluate their competitors, and conceive a suitable business model.

The MAF+ aims to trigger change in European innovation by getting innovators, researchers and entrepreneurs comfortable with putting business development and marketing concepts into practice. The goal is to increase the innovators’ capacity to recognize actual market needs and incorporate them into their product development process. The underlying vision is “European innovation that is user-centric and globally competitive”.

Visit the MAF+

CIW: The Climate Innovation Window

The Climate Innovation Window is a portal created to showcase and facilitate the market uptake of new solutions to climate change adaptation.

The CIW is an online interactive platform presenting innovations and connecting them to end users and qualified investors. Innovations are defined here as new products, processes and forms of organization into adaptation solutions to climatic events, and which are in their final stages of development. The use of the BRIGAID approach ensures the generation of key information for end-users and investors and allows a reliable comparison among different potential solutions.

Visit the CIW

BRIGAID clears the path to deliver innovations to the market

through the assessment and improvement  of Technical, Social and Market readiness.

Support to innovators

Are you an innovator? See what BRIGAID can offer to you.

As an End user

Do you want to join our network of end users and investors? You can do it now!

Meet our innovators

Do you want to know about our innovations?
Find out more in our gallery of innovations.


BRIGAID Newsletter num. 10

Impressive results of a 4-year international cooperation of 24 
European consortium partners and 120 innovators on innovations for 
climate disaster resilience deserve a great final virtual conference.

BRIGAID Newsletter num. 9

BRIGAID will hold a two-day Conference on Climate Disaster Resilience and Innovation. Among the planned activities we will have key note speeches, demonstrations of some of the innovations supported by BRIGAID, workshops about the tools developed and applied by the project, as well as pitches and perspectives from the main actors in the innovation process: innovators, end users and investors.

BRIGAID project meeting in Tirana and more

NTPA, Albanian partner of Brigaid hosted the periodic meeting in Tirana on 23-25 October 2019

RESCCUE and the Urban Resilience in a Context of Climate Change (URCC) conference 

This event, under the slogan “URCC: You are climate change”, will be held online in October 2020 and aims to bring together different actors from academia, administrations, businesses and local communities.

BRIGAID Newsletter num. 8

We bring you the latest BRIGAID progress and updates. The last BRIGAID Project Meeting will take place in Tirana, hosted by our partner AKPT and with a strong involvement from the national Community of Innovation supporting BRIGAID activity in Albania.Contents:  ...

BRIGAID tweets

Twitter feed is not available at the moment.