Involvement of end-users Community of Innovation in Albania
The Albanian CoI is organised by the BRIGAID partner (AKPT) which is the Albanian National Territorial Planning Agency (NTPA). This CoI acts on national and local scale and deals with risks related to floods, droughts and extreme weather events.
NTPA is an institution responsible for coordinating the processes of drafting territorial planning and development documents
Which are undertaken by planning authorities at central and local level.
NTPA supports horizontal coordination between national planning authorities during sectorial planning processes or in the process of drafting detailed plans for areas of national importance as well as vertical coordination between national and local planning authorities at local level with focus in harmonizing and addressing issues of national and local importance; organizing, administrating and maintaining the integrated database of territorial planning and development – Integrated Territory Register – with all central and local level planning documents that have entered into the approval process or have been approved by the relevant authorities, as well as other additional data, which relate to the planning and development of the territory.
Encouraging the participation of the public and interest groups in the planning process is one of the goals of the NTPA.
NTPA takes care that the products of research, analysis and fabrication carried out in fulfillment of legal obligations or as a result of its practice and activity are available to sustainable urban development in Albania.
NTPA is an institution responsible for coordinating the processes of drafting territorial planning and development documents
which are undertaken by planning authorities at central and local level.
NTPA supports horizontal coordination between national planning authorities during sectorial planning processes or in the process of drafting detailed plans for areas of national importance as well as vertical coordination between national and local planning authorities at local level with focus in harmonizing and addressing issues of national and local importance; organizing, administrating and maintaining the integrated database of territorial planning and development – Integrated Territory Register – with all central and local level planning documents that have entered into the approval process or have been approved by the relevant authorities, as well as other additional data, which relate to the planning and development of the territory.
Encouraging the participation of the public and interest groups in the planning process is one of the goals of the NTPA.
NTPA takes care that the products of research, analysis and fabrication carried out in fulfillment of legal obligations or as a result of its practice and activity are available to sustainable urban development in Albania.

What is expected to be achieved by this Community of Innovation?
1. Innovators to be involved;
2. More innovation presentation;
3. End-users interested in innovations;
4. Potential end-user for BRIGAID innovations;
5. Climate change issues in university curricula’s;
6. Partnership for further development;
7. NTPA as a potential living lab for innovation and researchers;
8. Others.

June, 2108
January, 2018
Student training: “Approach to learning outside Auditors on floods in Albania’ 2017”
October, 2017 – November, 2017
BRIGAID was invited to participate in seminars, workshops, conferences and One to One Meeting:
- Workshop: Financial Project, Programs of the EU and Industrial Property. View more
- International Conference of Civil Engineering (ICCE 2017) in Albania.View more
- Western Balcan Waste Solution Conference (WBWS 2017) in Albania.
- Internacional Conference on Economics, Business Trends and Technologies (ICEBTT 2017) in Albania.View more
End-User Identification
Stakeholders identification
Problematic identification
May, 2016
June, 2108
January, 2018
Student training: “Approach to learning outside Auditors on floods in Albania’ 2017”
October, 2017 – November, 2017
BRIGAID was invited to participate in seminars, workshops, conferences and One to One Meeting:
- Workshop: Financial Project, Programs of the EU and Industrial Property. View more
- International Conference of Civil Engineering (ICCE 2017) in Albania.View more
- Western Balcan Waste Solution Conference (WBWS 2017) in Albania.
- Internacional Conference on Economics, Business Trends and Technologies (ICEBTT 2017) in Albania.View more
End-User Identification
Stakeholders identification
Problematic identification
May, 2016
Defining the Operational Test site in Albania
Albania is classified as an operational test site in BRIGAID project and thus, testing is expected to be a core activity for the CoI.
NTPA is planning to organize testing/promotion activities for BRIGAID innovation product in a potential test site in Albania.
Ideally, it is expected that these activities will be organized on behalf of BRIGAID project and to be attended by: BRIGAID partners, innovators, national end-users, companies, research units (public and private), universities representatives as well as students.
An important point will be promoting/marketing these test events. This will be undertaken by publishing the event in the NTPA’s electronic platform and informing the current list of contacts about the agenda and the program. These events are intended to be livestreamed and this will be accompanied by other dissemination actions.
- Albania, as an operational test site would be an attractive environment to demonstrate innovations from BRIGAID partners. In this kind of activity NTPA will contribute in organization and dissemination. NTPA will identify and invite institutions, companies interested for business opportunities developing as well as individuals, universities interested for further researching.
- In the framework of BRIGAID project, NTPA plans to organize workshop/s with a specific thematic scope to promote BRIGAID and its innovations products, e.g. specifying in more details the usage of some products. In this workshop/s we expected to invite project innovators as well as national innovators. Furthermore, this organization we expected to be attended by representative of civil emergency, administrative unit’s representative, universities representative, research units and enterprises.

For more info you can contact
Territory Planning Agency